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Running the Resolver Service Sample

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The Resolver Service sample demonstrates the following scenarios:

  • Resolve a transformation (BizTalk Map type) using BRE
  • Resolve a service endpoint URI using BRE
  • Resolve a service endpoint URI using a STATIC resolver
  • Resolve a service endpoint URI using an XPath expression
  • Resolve a service endpoint URI from UDDI using a service key
  • Resolve a service endpoint URI from UDDI using a service name

To run all the resolution scenarios using the ASMX implementation of the Resolver service

  1. If the GlobalBank.ESB application is not already running, use the BizTalk Administration Console to start it.
  2. In Windows Explorer, open the \Source\Samples\ResolverService folder, and then double-click the file 1.RunTestClient_ASMX.cmd.
  3. Open the \Source\Samples\ResolverService\Output folder and open each of the result files, which correspond to the resolution requests listed earlier.

To run all the resolution scenarios using the WCF implementation of the Resolver service

  1. If the GlobalBank.ESB application is not already running, use the BizTalk Administration Console to start it.
  2. In Windows Explorer, open the \Source\Samples\ResolverService folder, and then double-click the file 1.RunTestClient_WCF.cmd.
  3. Open the \Source\Samples\ResolverService\Output folder, and then open each of the result files, which correspond to the resolution requests listed earlier.