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Publishing from the BizTalk Administration Console

Retired Content

This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

If you want to manage endpoint publishing through the BizTalk Administration Console instead of the ESB Management Portal, you can do so by entering a UDDI moniker in the description field of the endpoints to publish to UDDI. The following is an example moniker:


You can set the following UDDI properties using the Description field in the BizTalk Administration Console:

  • ModifiedBy. This optional property contains the account name of the user that modified the endpoint; for example, MyDomainName\MyUserName.
  • UDDIContact. This optional property is the contact name of the user defined for the UDDI Business Provider.
  • UDDIUserType. This optional property is the user type of the user defined for the UDDI Business Provider.
  • UDDIEmail. This optional property is the e-mail address of the user defined for the UDDI Business Provider.
  • TransportType. This optional property is the endpoint adapter type, such as FILE, MQS, WCF-WsHttp, SOAP, HTTP, or FTP.
  • Status. This optional property is the** **status of the endpoint, such as Published or Pending. The UDDI Publishing Service uses this attribute to discover the status of the endpoint.
  • BindingType. This optional property is the specific protocol (URL Type) that the UDDI binding supports, such as mailto, http, https, ftp, fax, phone, or other. The UDDI Publishing Service uses this attribute to create the endpoint binding.