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Files and Folders Installed by the ESBGuidance.msi

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The following table lists the main files and folders installed by the ESBGuidance.msi Windows Installer.

File or folder name



This folder contains the Microsoft ESB Guidance core and JMS signed release binaries. This does not include the binaries for Microsoft ESB Guidance sample projects.

This compressed file contains the source code for Microsoft ESB Guidance and the samples.


This HTML document contains important information about installing and using the Microsoft ESB Guidance.


This HTML document contains the Microsoft ESB Guidance Getting Started notes.


This HTML document lists the known issues and late-breaking information for Microsoft ESB Guidance.


This package contains the BizTalk-generated Windows Installer for the Microsoft ESB Guidance core solution and the ESB Exception Management Framework. This package installs signed binaries and creates the Microsoft.Practices.ESB BizTalk application.


This package contains the BizTalk-generated Windows Installer for the Microsoft ESB Guidance core solution and the ESB Exception Management Framework. This package installs signed binaries and creates the Microsoft.Practices.ESB BizTalk application without importing the BizTalk application bindings.


This package contains the BizTalk-generated Windows Installer for the Microsoft ESB Guidance Exception Management Framework, allowing you to install this separately from the core solution. This package installs signed binaries and creates the Microsoft.Practices.ESB BizTalk application.


This package contains the BizTalk-generated Windows Installer for the Microsoft ESB Guidance Exception Management Framework, allowing you to install this separately from the core solution. This package installs signed binaries and creates the Microsoft.Practices.ESB BizTalk application without importing the BizTalk application bindings.


This package contains the BizTalk-generated Windows Installer for the Microsoft ESB Guidance JMS components. This package installs signed binaries and creates the Microsoft.Practices.ESB BizTalk application.


This package contains the BizTalk-generated Windows Installer for the Microsoft ESB Guidance JMS components. This package installs release assemblies and creates the Microsoft.Practices.ESB BizTalk application without importing the binding files.


This package contains the BizTalk-generated Windows installer for the GlobalBank.ESB sample Business Rules Engine policies and vocabularies. This package deploys the Business Rules Engine policies and vocabularies required by the GlobalBank.ESB sample applications. It also creates the GlobalBank.ESB application if it does not exist.