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The Itinerary Web Service

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The Itinerary Web service exposes a method that allows clients to submit messages for processing by the Itinerary service and then onward to the target BizTalk or ESB operations. The Itinerary service reads the data that defines the processing steps for the itinerary from the SOAP message headers.

The Itinerary Web service passes the payload to the ESB Itinerary pipeline component, which validates the itinerary and checks that the services and orchestrations the itinerary steps specify do exist. Then the component adds special context properties to the message containing the validated itinerary.

The ESB Guidance includes two variations of the Itinerary service to support both one-way calls ("fire and forget," where there is no response sent back from the service) and two-way calls ("request-response," where the service returns a message to the client). In addition, the ESB Guidance contains both ASP.NET (ASMX) and Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) versions of these two services. The names of the one-way services are ESB.ItineraryServices and ESB.ItineraryServices.WCF. The names of the two-way services are ESB.ItineraryServices.Response and ESB.ItineraryServices.Response.WCF. The services expose two methods:

  • SubmitRequest. For the ASMX-based service, this method takes an instance of the XmlNode class containing the message to submit. For the WCF-based service, this method takes an XML string containing the message to submit.
  • SubmitRequestResponse. For the ASMX-based service, this method takes a reference to an instance of the XmlNode class containing the message to submit and returns the response message within the instance of the XmlNode passed to it. For the WCF-based service, this method takes a reference to an Object type that is an XML string containing the message to submit, and returns an array of XmlNodes within the Object that was passed to it.

For more information about using the Itinerary Web services, see Installing and Running the Itinerary On-Ramp Sample.


By default, the Itinerary Web services are not configured to require Secure Socket Layer (SSL) when accessed by clients. You should configure the service so that it requires SSL for client access and protect the connection between the Internet Information Services (IIS) Web service host computer and the server that hosts the ESBExceptions database using network-level IPSec and appropriate file-level access control list (ACL) permissions.