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The UddiHelper Class

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The UddiHelper class encapsulates use of a UDDI directory. The ESB resolution mechanism class uses this class to perform UDDI-based resolution. You can also use the UddiHelper class directly in your own applications.

The UddiHelper class is part of the project named ESB.UDDI.csproj, located in the \Source\Core\Source\ESB.UDDI folder. The ESB Guidance Core installer installs and registers the UddiHelper class in the global assembly cache.

The UddiHelper class exposes four static methods:

  • GetCategoryByName. This method takes as parameters a reference to an instance of the UddiClient class and a String containing the name for the tModel instance that the method will create, populate, and return. The UddiClient class exposes methods for querying and publishing information to a UDDI service.
  • GetService.** **This method takes as parameters a reference to an instance of the UddiClient class, a String containing the required service name or label, and a String containing the name of the UDDI service (business) provider. It returns an instance of the serviceDetail class that contains a selection of fields from the specified service.
  • GetServiceUrl. This method takes as parameters an instance of the Uri class containing the URL or path of the UDDI server to use, a String containing the required service name or label, and, optionally, a String containing the name of the UDDI service (business) provider. It returns a String containing the service binding.
  • RetrieveServiceDetail. This method takes as parameters a reference to an instance of the UddiClient class, a String containing the required service name or label, and an array of businessInfo instances that contain details of the service fields for the required service. It returns an instance of the serviceDetail class that contains a selection of fields from the specified service.