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Administration with the ESB Management Portal

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The ESB Management Portal, included as part of Microsoft ESB Guidance, is basically a sample site that demonstrates the use of metrics and the possibilities that exist for extending the guidance. It provides a starting point from which you can build your own customized portal.

However, the portal is also a highly capable and useful tool that helps you to take maximum advantage of the ESB exception management system. In addition, it provides a user interface for an underlying UDDI registry server and graphical configuration capabilities for features such as auditing; viewing history information; configuring alerts and notifications; and allowing users to subscribe to alerts that indicate faults occurring in ESB applications.

This section describes the common tasks that you can accomplish using the ESB Management Portal:


For a detailed description of the individual features of the portal, see ESB Management Portal Feature Reference.

ESB Portal Technologies

The ESB Management Portal takes advantage of the following technologies:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005
  • Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0
  • Enterprise Library 3.1 (May 2007)
  • The Dundas Chart control for rendering charts

In this release of the ESB Guidance, metric tracking extends only to fault tracking for the exception management system.


Before you can track metrics, you must install and initialize the tracking infrastructure as described in Installing the Microsoft ESB Guidance.