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Custom Matching Rules

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Developers can create custom matching rules that integrate with the Policy Injection Application Block. If the developer creates a full set of design support classes for a custom matching rule, it will appear in the Configuration Console and the Visual Studio Configuration Editor and allow operators and administrators to select and configure the rule just as they do any of the built-in rules. However, the set of properties available for the custom rule depends on the design of the rule and the configuration design classes that the developer implements.

A second possibility is that developers will rely on configuration support provided by the CustomMatchingRuleData configuration class provided with the Policy Injection Application Block. In this case, operators and administrators will configure the new rule as a Custom Matching Rule type in the Configuration Console and the Visual Studio Configuration Editor. They must select the correct containing assembly and class in the configuration tools and specify the correct list of name/value pairs, as required by the custom matching rule.

For details about how to create custom matching rules, see Creating a New Matching Rule.

For details about how to configure custom matching rules, see Defining and Configuring Matching Rules.