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Configure Exception Management InfoPath Form Template Shares

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You must share the folders that contain the InfoPath templates that the ESB Exception Management components and samples use for rendering exception information. You must create a share named Publish for the InfoPath Exception Handling templates and a share named PublishResubmit for the InfoPath Publish and Resubmit template.

To configure InfoPath Form Template shares

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder \Source\Exception Handling\Source\ESB.ExceptionHandling.InfoPath.Reporting\Publish within the source folder where you installed the ESB Guidance. This folder contains the InfoPath template used to render exception information serialized by the ESB Exception Management Framework.
  2. Share this Publish folder using the name Publish, with Read permission for all users. In Windows Server 2003, you can do the following:
    • Right-click the Publish folder in Windows Explorer, click Properties, and then click the Sharing tab.
    • Click Share this folder and accept the default value Publish (the folder name).
    • Click the Permissions button and confirm that the Read check box contains a check mark for the Everyone account group.
    • Click OK in each of the two dialog boxes.
  3. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder \Source\Samples\Exception Handling\Source\ESB.ExceptionHandling.InfoPath.Resubmit\Publish within the source folder where you installed the ESB Guidance. This folder contains the InfoPath template used to demonstrate the Repair and Resubmit use case within the sample application.
  4. Share this Publish folder using the name PublishResubmit, with Read permission for all users, as described in step 2.

Now continue to the next task: Configure Secure Web Service Connections.