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Adding a Manageable Configuration Source

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The latest Enterprise Library information can be found at the Enterprise Library site.

If you want to use Group Policy or Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) with an application, you must first add a manageable configuration source. Although the procedures shown here use the Configuration Console, you can use the same procedures with the Configuration Editor that is integrated with Visual Studio. For more information about the Configuration Editor, see Using the Configuration Tools.

To add a manageable configuration source

  1. Start the Enterprise Library Configuration Console or the Visual Studio Configuration Editor. To use the Configuration Console, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft patterns & practices, point to Enterprise Library 4.1 — October 2008, and then click Enterprise Library Configuration.
  2. Click New Application or Open Existing Application.
  3. Right-click the application configuration file listed under Enterprise Library Configuration, point to New, and then click Configuration Sources.
  4. Right-click the Configuration Sources node, point to New, and then click Manageable Configuration Source.
  5. Click the Configuration Sources node.
  6. In the right pane, click SelectedSource.
  7. In the drop-down list, click Manageable Configuration Source.
  8. Click the Manageable Configuration Source node. In the right pane, set the configuration settings. By default, both WMI and Group Policy are enabled. You must provide an entry for the File property.
  9. Right-click the System Configuration Source, and then click Remove.
  10. On the File menu, click Save Application.