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Using Group Policy with Enterprise Library

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To use Group Policy to manage an Enterprise Library application, you must first generate a Group Policy template and then use Group Policy to configure the application. Although the procedures in this section use the Configuration Console, you can use the same procedures with the Configuration Editor that is integrated with Visual Studio.

To generate a Group Policy template for the application

  1. Ensure that you have completed all other configuration tasks for the application.
  2. Open the Configuration Console.
  3. In the left pane of the Enterprise Library Configuration Console, right-click Manageable Configuration Source, and then click Generate ADM Template.
  4. In the Save As box, type a name for the template, and then click Save.


The templates generated by the configuration tools use the Windows Server 2003 ADM format for maximum compatibility with all existing operating system versions. Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 use the new ADMX format for Group Policy templates. However, they will also read and use ADM format templates.

To configure the application using Group Policy

  1. Ensure that you have administrative privileges to configure the application.
  2. Ensure that you have installed a suitable version of the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC), as shown in the following list:
  3. Click Start, and then click Run. In the Run dialog box, type gpmc.msc, and then click OK. This opens the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) and shows the complete forest for your domain.
  4. Expand the Domains node to show the Group Policy Objects section within your domain.
  5. Right-click Group Policy Objects, click New, type a name for the new Group Policy Object, and then click OK.
  6. In the left tree view, right-click your new Group Policy Object entry, and then click Edit.
  7. Expand the Computer Configuration or User Configuration section of the Group Policy Object. Right-click Administrative Templates, and then click Add/Remove Templates.
  8. In the Add/Remove templates dialog box, click Add.
  9. Browse to the template you created in the Enterprise Library Configuration Console, select it, and then click Open. The template appears in the Add/Remove templates dialog box.
  10. In the Add/Remove templates dialog box, click Close.
  11. Expand the Administrative Templates section, and then locate the section corresponding to the template that you just added. Expand this section and each section within it. As you select a section, the settings available for that section appear in the right-side window.
  12. To open the Settings dialog box, double-click the setting you want to edit.
  13. The Settings dialog box allows you to enter an initial value if you have not already configured it, or enable or disable an existing setting.
  14. When you select Enabled, the controls in the central section of the dialog box allow you to specify the setting. Depending on the type of value and the way the ADM file declares the setting details, you will see a text box, a drop-down list, or another standard Windows control.
  15. Use the Previous Setting and Next Setting buttons to navigate through the settings without having to open each one individually from the main Group Policy window or click OK to commit this setting and close the Settings dialog box.