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Figure 1 shows the Add Alert page, where you can create a new alert that the portal will raise when a fault message matching the criteria (conditions) specified in the alert arrives at the portal.


Figure 1
TheESB Management Portal Add Alert page

On the Add Alert page, you can do the following:

  • Type a name for the new alert in the Enter Alert Name text box.
  • Specify how the alert will match to values of the fields in incoming exceptions in the Add conditions for this alert section of this page. Select a field from the exception schema (such as Application, Error Type, or Fault Severity) in the Criteria drop-down list; select a comparison type for the (such as =, !=, >=, <=, or like) in the Operator drop-down list; and type or select a value from the third list. When you select an exception field, the Value control changes to either a text box or a drop-down list for you to enter or select a matching value.
  • After selecting or entering the criteria values, click the Add link to add this condition to the list in the Conditions section of the page, and repeat to add any more conditions you require for this alert.
  • Click the Save button to create the new alert with the name and conditions you specified.