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The Cryptography Application Block

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The Enterprise Library Cryptography Application Block simplifies how developers incorporate cryptographic functionality in their applications. Applications can use the application block for a variety of tasks, such as encrypting information, creating a hash from data, and comparing hash values to verify that data has not been altered.

The Cryptography Application Block has the following features:

  • It reduces the requirement to write boilerplate code to perform standard tasks; it does this by providing implementations that you can use to solve common application cryptography problems.
  • It helps maintain consistent cryptography practices, both within an application and across the enterprise.
  • It eases the learning curve for developers by using a consistent architectural model across the various areas of functionality that are provided.
  • It provides implementations that you can use to solve common application cryptography problems.
  • It is extensible; this means it supports custom implementations of cryptography providers.

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More Information

For more information, see the following resources: