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Objects That Implement a Known Interface

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The alternative approach is to use objects that implement a known interface. Developers can create a suitable interface, if one does not already exist, and then implement it in the target object. The interface allows the Policy Injection Application Block to detect the features of the object and discover the members to expose through the proxy it generates. The application block can then create a suitable helper/wrapper class that adds policy injection through a handler pipeline to the object. However, the client can only access the target object through the members defined within the specified interface.

If the target object already implements a known interface, the class source file will indicate this by specifying the interface name after the class name.

If an existing interface is not available, the developer can create one. For example, the following code shows an interface definition named IStoreTransactions that is suitable for use with the example OrderTransactions class shown in the topic Objects That Derive From MarshalByRefObject. It exposes a single method and a single property that implementing classes must expose.

interface IStoreTransactions
    int CountOrderItems(string customerName);
    string InvoiceGreeting  { get; set; }
Interface IStoreTransactions
  Function CountOrderItems(ByVal customerName As String) As Integer
  Property InvoiceGreeting() As String
End Interface

The developer then references and implements this interface in their target class. For example, this class implements the IStoreTransactions interface shown in the preceding code example.

class OrderTransactions : IStoreTransactions
  private string greeting;

  public int CountOrderItems(string customerName)
    int orderCount = 0;
    // Code here to get count of number of orders from database.
    // ...
    return orderCount;

  public string InvoiceGreeting
    get { return greeting; }
    set { greeting = value; }

Class OrderTransactions
  Implements IStoreTransactions

  Private greeting As String

  Public Function CountOrderItems(ByVal customerName As String) As Integer _
    Implements IOrderTransaction.CountOrderItems
      Dim orderCount As Integer = 0
      ' Code here to get count of number of orders from database.
      ' ...
      Return orderCount
  End Function

  Public Property InvoiceGreeting() As String _
    Implements IOrderTransaction.InvoiceGreeting
      Return greeting
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
      greeting = value
      End Set
  End Property

End Class

Notice that, in Visual Basic .NET, the developer must specify which interface member applies to each member of the concrete implementation. A compile error will result if the developer fails to implement correctly the interface members in the target class.