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Overview of the Guidance Automation Toolkit

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You can use the Guidance Automation Toolkit to make reusable code and pattern assets directly available in Visual Studio. The toolkit has been designed to simplify integrating reusable code into applications. This lets architects automate processes and guide their developers through complex procedures that would otherwise need to be thoroughly documented.

The toolkit can be used with assets developed in-house or by third parties, such as the assets created by the Microsoft patterns & practices team. It provides a Recipe Framework that lets you expose assets to developers within Visual Studio. These assets can be added, and in some cases, configured by using configuration files, templates, and wizards. For examples of how you might use the Guidance Automation Toolkit, see Common Scenarios.

This guide demonstrates how to use the Guidance Automation Toolkit to streamline many of the tasks faced by developers. It is divided into four sections:

See also

Understanding the Guidance Automation Toolkit | Considerations for Developing Guidance Packages | Developing a Guidance Package | Using Guidance Packages