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Specifying Bound References

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A Boolean attribute of the recipe element, named Bound, is used to specify whether a recipe is bound. However, by default a recipe is bound, so you do not need to use this attribute for bound recipes.

Another Boolean attribute of the recipe element, named Recurrent, is used to determine whether the recipe is recurring. The default in this case is true, so if you do not want the recipe to be recurring, you must specify the attribute in the guidance package configuration file, as shown in the following XML code example.

<Recipe Name = "SampleRecipe" Recurrent = "false">

A bound recipe can have multiple recipe references. These are created either declaratively in Visual Studio templates, or programmatically, from an action called by another recipe. The following XML code example shows a definition of a recipe reference in a Visual Studio template file. In this case, the target is the root element of the template. This is the solution element created by unfolding the template.

  <RecipeReference Name="AddMainClass" Target="/" />

For more information about developing Visual Studio template files, see Developing Visual Studio Templates.


Bound recipe references are registered with the Recipe Framework when they are first encountered, namely when a template including the reference is unfolded, or when the action from another recipe (including the binding recipe) is executed.

See also

Developing Recipes | Specifying Command Bars | Specifying Unbound References | Gathering Arguments | The AddMainClass Recipe