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Publishing an Initial Version of an Application (Automated Process)

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To create client business applications using current Microsoft technologies, see patterns & practices' Prism.

This topic describes how to use an automated process to publish an initial version of an application based on the Composite UI Application Block.


Before you can complete the steps in this topic, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Download and unzip the Smart Client Software Factory.
  • Install Internet Information Services (IIS).
  • Build the Manifest Manager Utility solution.
  • Build the Bank Branch Workbench reference implementation solution.
  • Set the basic ClickOnce publishing properties for the Bank Branch Workbench reference implementation solution. For more information, see How to: Set the Basic ClickOnce Publishing Properties.


To publish a new Composite UI Application Block application, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Use Visual Studio to publish the new application.
  2. Use the Manifest Manager Utility to add the new modules to the manifest.

The following sections explain these steps in detail.

Step 1: Using Visual Studio to Publish the New Application

To publish the new application from Visual Studio

  1. Run Visual Studio as an administrator, and then open the Infrastructure solution folder. Find the Shell project (see Figure 1).


    Figure 1

    Finding the Shell project

  2. Double-click Properties to open the property page, and click the Publish tab.

  3. Make sure the Publishing Folder Location and Installation Folder URL entries match those displayed in Figure 2. The Publishing Folder Location should be a local folder, and the Installation Folder URL should be on the localhost.


    Figure 2

    Setting the publishing location

  4. Make sure you are doing a Release build (see Figure 3).


    Figure 3

    Configuring the build

  5. Click Save, and then click Publish Now. You should see the results in the Output window (see Figure 4).


    Figure 4

    Showing the Publish results

  6. Publishing removes the modules that are not directly referenced from the\bin folder; therefore, click Build, and click Build Solution to make sure all the projects are built (see Figure 5).


    Figure 5

    Building the solution after publishing

    The project will be built and then published to the location that you specified on the Publish tab of the project properties page (C:\_Publish\SCSF).

Step 2: Using the Manifest Manager Utility to Add New Modules

To use the Manifest Manager Utility to add modules to an application

  1. Start the Manifest Manager Utility.

  2. On the File menu, click Open.

  3. Browse to the published deployment manifest (C:\_Publish\SCSF\ \GlobalBank.Shell.application), and select the manifest.

    The commonly modified values from the deployment manifest and the list of files from the referenced application manifest will be loaded into the utility (see Figure 6).


    Figure 6

    Manifest Manager Utility

  4. On the Edit menu, click Add Files.

  5. Find the build output folder for the Bank Branch Workbench solution (\ReferenceImpl\bin\Release).

  6. In the Add Application Files dialog box, select the following files to add them to the application manifest:

    • BasicAccounts.ServiceProxies.dll
    • GlobalBank.BasicAccounts.Interface.dll
    • GlobalBank.BasicAccounts.Module.dll
    • GlobalBank.BranchSystems.Interface.dll
    • GlobalBank.BranchSystems.Layout.dll
    • GlobalBank.BranchSystems.Module.dll
    • GlobalBank.BranchSystems.ServiceProxies.dll
    • GlobalBank.Infrastructure.Module.dll
    • GlobalBank.Support.Module.dll
    • Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Caching.dll
  7. Click Open.

  8. Specify the folder where you want the files to be added. In this example, this will be the GlobalBank.Shell_1_0_0_0 folder (see Figure 7).


    Figure 7

    Selecting the destination folder

  9. On the File menu, click Save.

    In the Select Publisher Certificate to Sign Manifest dialog box, click Browse, and then browse to the publisher certificate. This will be the .pfx file that you selected to sign the application. In this example, it will be in the \ReferenceImpl\BankBranchClient\Source\Infrastructure\Shell folder (see Figure 8).


    Figure 8

    Selecting the publisher certificate

  10. In the Password text box, type the password for the certificate, and then click Save and Sign.

  11. In Windows Explorer, open the publish folder and copy the default deployment manifest (GlobalBank.Shell.application) from the root folder (C:\_Publish\SCSF) to \Application Files\GlobalBank.Shell_1_0_0_0, replacing the manifest that was in the folder. As you publish additional versions, this will ensure that you have a deployment manifest for each version so that you can change the deployed version if necessary or revert to an earlier version.

  12. Create a folder under C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ called GlobalBank, and copy the files and folders from C:\_Publish\SCSF\ to the new GlobalBank folder (see Figure 9).


    Figure 9

    Copying the files to the Web server

    Under the Application Files folder, there will be only one folder because you have deployed only one version. As you deploy additional versions, the versioned folders will go into the Application Files folder, and the default deployment manifest and Setup.exe file will go into the root folder.

    Your directory structure will look like the directory structure in Figure 10.


    Figure 10

    Deployment folders on the web server


You can use ClickOnce to deploy the Bank Branch client. You can provide a link to the Setup.exe file (the bootstrapper) or the deployment manifest to your users. They can then click the link to download and start the application on their computers. The downloaded application will include the Composite UI Application Block modules that are dynamically loaded based on the profile catalog.