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Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Interactivity.InteractionRequest Namespace


  Class Description
Public class Confirmation
Represents an interaction request used for confirmations.
Public class ConfirmationChildWindow
A basic confirmation child window that can host content and provides OK and Cancel buttons.
Public class InteractionRequest<T>
Implementation of the IInteractionRequest interface.
Public class InteractionRequestedEventArgs
Event args for the Raised event.
Public class InteractionRequestTrigger
Custom event trigger for using with IInteractionRequest objects.
Public class Notification
Represents an interaction request used for notifications.
Public class NotificationChildWindow
The notification ChildWindow to use when displaying Notification messages.
Public class PopupChildWindowAction
Concrete class that pops up a specified child window or a default child window configured with a data template.
Public class PopupChildWindowActionBase
Base class for trigger actions that handle an interaction request by popping up a child window.


  Interface Description
Public interface IInteractionRequest
Represents a request from user interaction.