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Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Regions Namespace


  Class Description
Public class AllActiveRegion
Region that keeps all the views in it as active. Deactivation of views is not allowed.
Public class ContentControlRegionAdapter
Adapter that creates a new SingleActiveRegion and monitors its active view to set it on the adapted ContentControl.
Public class ItemMetadata
Defines a class that wraps an item and adds metadata for it.
Public class ItemsControlRegionAdapter
Adapter that creates a new AllActiveRegion and binds all the views to the adapted ItemsControl.
Public class NavigationAsyncExtensions
Provides additional methods to the INavigateAsync interface.
Public class NavigationContext
Encapsulates information about a navigation request.
Public class NavigationResult
Represents the result of navigating to a URI.
Public class Region
Implementation of IRegion that allows multiple active views.
Public class RegionAdapterBase<T>
Base class to facilitate the creation of IRegionAdapter implementations.
Public class RegionAdapterMappings
This class maps Type with IRegionAdapter.
Public class RegionBehavior
Provides a base class for region's behaviors.
Public class RegionBehaviorCollection
A collection of IRegionBehavior instances, that are stored and retrieved by Key.
Public class RegionBehaviorFactory
Defines a factory that allows the registration of the default set of IRegionBehavior, that will be added to the IRegionBehaviorCollection of all IRegions, unless overridden on a 'per-region' basis.
Public class RegionContext
Class that holds methods to Set and Get the RegionContext from a DependencyObject. RegionContext allows sharing of contextual information between the view that's hosting a IRegion and any views that are inside the Region.
Public class RegionManager
This class is responsible for maintaining a collection of regions and attaching regions to controls.
Public class RegionManagerExtensions
Class that creates a fluent interface for the IRegionManager class, with respect to adding views to regions (View Injection pattern), registering view types to regions (View Discovery pattern)
Public class RegionMemberLifetimeAttribute
When RegionMemberLifetimeAttribute is applied to class provides data the RegionMemberLifetimeBehavior can use to determine if the instance should be removed when it is deactivated.
Public class RegionNavigationContentLoader
Implementation of IRegionNavigationContentLoader that relies on a IServiceLocator to create new views when necessary.
Public class RegionNavigationEventArgs
EventArgs used with the Navigated event.
Public class RegionNavigationFailedEventArgs
EventArgs used with the NavigationFailed event.
Public class RegionNavigationJournal
Provides journaling of current, back, and forward navigation within regions.
Public class RegionNavigationJournalEntry
An entry in an IRegionNavigationJournal representing the URI navigated to.
Public class RegionNavigationService
Provides navigation for regions.
Public class RegionViewRegistry
Defines a registry for the content of the regions used on View Discovery composition.
Public class SelectorRegionAdapter
Adapter that creates a new Region and binds all the views to the adapted Selector. It also keeps the ActiveViews and the selected items of the Selector in sync.
Public class SingleActiveRegion
Region that allows a maximum of one active view at a time.
Public class TabControlRegionAdapter
Adapter that creates a new Region and binds all the views to the adapted TabControl.
Public class UpdateRegionsException
Represents errors that occured during the regions' update.
Public class ViewRegisteredEventArgs
Argument class used by the ContentRegistered event when a new content is registered.
Public class ViewRegistrationException
Exception that's thrown when something goes wrong while Registering a View with a region name in the RegionViewRegistry class.
Public class ViewsCollection
Implementation of IViewsCollection that takes an ObservableCollection<T> of ItemMetadata and filters it to display an INotifyCollectionChanged collection of Object elements (the items which the ItemMetadata wraps).
Public class ViewSortHintAttribute
Provides a hint from a view to a region on how to sort the view.


  Interface Description
Public interface IConfirmNavigationRequest
Provides a way for objects involved in navigation to determine if a navigation request should continue.
Public interface INavigateAsync
Provides methods to perform navigation.
Public interface INavigationAware
Provides a way for objects involved in navigation to be notified of navigation activities.
Public interface IRegion
Defines a model that can be used to compose views.
Public interface IRegionAdapter
Defines an interfaces to adapt an object and bind it to a new IRegion.
Public interface IRegionBehavior
Interface for allowing extensible behavior on regions.
Public interface IRegionBehaviorCollection
Defines the interface for a collection of IRegionBehavior classes on a Region.
Public interface IRegionBehaviorFactory
Interface for RegionBehaviorFactories. This factory allows the registration of the default set of RegionBehaviors, that will be added to the IRegionBehaviorCollections of all IRegions, unless overridden on a 'per-region' basis.
Public interface IRegionCollection
Defines a collection of IRegion uniquely identified by their Name.
Public interface IRegionManager
Defines an interface to manage a set of regions and to attach regions to objects (typically controls).
Public interface IRegionManagerAccessor
Provides an abstraction on top of the RegionManager static members.
Public interface IRegionMemberLifetime
When implemented, allows an instance placed in a IRegion that uses a RegionMemberLifetimeBehavior to indicate it should be removed when it transitions from an activated to deactived state.
Public interface IRegionNavigationContentLoader
Identifies the view in a region that is the target of a navigation request.
Public interface IRegionNavigationJournal
Provides journaling of current, back, and forward navigation within regions.
Public interface IRegionNavigationJournalEntry
An entry in an IRegionNavigationJournal representing the URI navigated to.
Public interface IRegionNavigationService
Provides navigation for regions.
Public interface IRegionViewRegistry
Defines the interface for the registry of region's content.
Public interface IViewsCollection
Defines a view of a collection.