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The Crew

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Captain Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expedition recruitment ad (1913) stated:


No fewer than 5000 people replied…

When we embarked on our journey half a year ago, it felt almost the same. With no fewer than 70 community members (both experts and enthusiastic novices) answering the call for advisory board and offering to volunteer their time to help us steer this project!

We have now reached the end of the journey. These are the members of the development team who endured the challenges of the journey and produced this guide:

Vision and Program ManagementGrigori Melnik (Microsoft Corporation)

Development Julian Dominguez (Microsoft Corporation), Daniel Cazzulino and Fernando Simonazzi (Clarius Consulting)

TestingMani Subramanian (Microsoft Corporation), Hernan de Lahitte (Digit Factory), and Rathi Velusamy (Infosys Technologies Ltd.)

Documentation Dominic Betts (Content Master Ltd.), Julian Dominguez, Grigori Melnik, and Mani Subramanian (Microsoft Corporation), and Fernando Simonazzi (Clarius Consulting)

Graphic DesignAlexander Ustinov and Anton Rusecki (JetStyle)

Editing and Production RoAnn Corbisier and Nelly Delgado (Microsoft Corporation), Nancy Michell (Content Master Ltd.), and Chris Burns (Linda Werner & Associates Inc)

The development team didn't embark on this journey by themselves and didn't work in isolation. We actively sought input from industry experts and from a wider group of advisors to ensure that the guidance is detailed, practical, and informed by real-world experience. We would like to thank our advisory board members and the DDD/CQRS community members in general who have accompanied us on this journey for their active participation, insights, critiques, challenges, and reviews. We have learned and unlearned many things, we've explored and experimented a lot. The journey wasn't easy but it was so worth it and we enjoyed it. Thank you for keeping us grounded in the real-world challenges. Thank you for your ongoing support of our effort. We hope the community will continue exploring the space, pushing the state of the practice further, and extending the reference implementation and the guidance.

Specifically, we'd like to acknowledge the following people who have contributed to the journey in many different ways:**

  • Greg Young for your pragmatism, patience with us, continuous mentoring and irreplaceable advice;
  • Udi Dahan for challenging us and offering alternative views on many concepts;
  • Clemens Vasters for pushing back on terminology and providing a very valuable perspective from the distributed database field;
  • Kelly Sommers for believing in us and bringing sanity to the community as well as for deep technical insights;
  • Adam Dymitruk for jumpstarting us on git and extending the RI;
  • Glenn Block for encouraging us to go all the way with the OSS initiative and for introducing us to many community members;
  • Our GM Lori Brownell and our director Björn Rettig for providing sponsorship of the initiative and believing in our vision;
  • Scott Guthrie for supporting the project and helping amplify the message;
  • Josh Elster for exploring and designing the MIL (Messaging Intermediate Language) and pushing us to make it easier to follow the workflow of messages in code;
  • Cesar De la Torre Llorente for helping us spike on the alternatives and bringing up terminological incongruities between various schools and thought leaders;
  • Rinat Abdullin for active participation at the beginning of the project and contributing a case study;
  • Bruno Terkaly and Ricardo Villalobos for exploring the disconnected client scenario that would integrate with the RI;
  • Einar Otto Stangvik for spiking on the Schedule Builder bounded context implementation in Node.js;
  • Mark Seemann for sending the very first pull request focusing on code quality;
  • Christopher Bennage for helping us overcome GitHub limitations by creating the pundit review system and the export-to-Excel script to manage iteration backlog more effectively;
  • Bob Brumfield, Eugenio Pace, Carlos Farre, Hanz Zhang, and Rohit Sharma for many insights especially on the perf and hardening challenges;
  • Chris Tavares for putting out the first CQRS experiment at p&p and suggesting valuable scenarios;
  • Tim Sharkinian for your perspectives on CQRS and for getting us on the SpecFlow train;
  • Jane Sinyagina for helping solicit and process feedback from the advisors;
  • Howard Wooten and Thomas Petchel for feedback on the UI style and usability;
  • Kelly Leahy for sharing your experience and making us aware of potential pitfalls;
  • Dylan Smith for early conversations and support of this project in pre-flight times;
  • Evan Cooke, Tim Walton, Alex Dubinkov, Scott Brown, Jon Wagner, and Gabriel N. Schenker for sharing your experiences and contributing mini-case studies.

We feel honored to be supported by such an incredible group of people.

Thank you!

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