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Step 6 – Transition a group to Privileged Access Management


The privileged account creation in the PRIV forest is done using several new PowerShell cmdlets. These cmdlets perform the following functions:

  • Creates a new group in the PRIV forest with the same SID (Security Identifier) as a group in the CORP forest and as an object in the MIM Service database corresponding to the group in the PRIV forest.

  • For each user account, the cmdlets creates two objects in the MIM Service database, corresponding to the user in the CORP forest and the new user account in the PRIV forest.

  • Creates a PAM Role object in the MIM Service database.

    In this prerelease preview, the cmdlets needs to be run once for each group, and once for each member of a group. (Note that the migration cmdlets do not change or modify any user or groups in the CORP forest: that is to be done manually by the PAM administrator subsequently.)

    1. Log into PAMSRV as a domain administrator and verify the services are running.

      1. Ensure you are logged into PAMSRV as PRIV\Administrator.

      2. Open Services.

      3. Verify that the Forefront Identity Manager service is running. If the service is not running, right-click on the service and select start to start the service.

    2. Run the MIM PAM group and user management cmdlets to copy the CorpAdmins group and its member, Jen, from CONTOSO to PRIV domain.

      1. Launch PowerShell and run the following commands, specifying the CORP domain admin (CONTOSO\Administrator) password where prompted:

        Import-Module MIMPAM
        Import-Module ActiveDirectory
        $ca = get-credential –UserName CONTOSO\Administrator –Message "CORP forest domain admin credentials"
        $pg = New-PAMGroup –SourceGroupName "CorpAdmins" –SourceDomain CONTOSO.local                 –SourceDC CORPDC.contoso.local –Credentials $ca 
        $sj = New-PAMUser –SourceDomain CONTOSO.local –SourceAccountName Jen 
        $jp = ConvertTo-SecureString "Pass@word1" –asplaintext –force
        Set-ADAccountPassword –identity priv.Jen –NewPassword $jp
        Set-ADUser –identity priv.Jen –Enabled 1 
        Add-ADGroupMember "Protected Users" priv.Jen
        $pr = New-PAMRole –DisplayName "CorpAdmins" –Privileges $pg –Candidates $sj

        For reference, the New-PAMGroup command takes the following parameters:

        • The CORP forest domain name in NetBIOS form

        • The name of the group to copy from that domain

        • The CORP forest Domain Controller NetBIOS name

        • The credentials of an domain admin user in the CORP forest

      Next, you will transition a user who is currently group member to JIT elevation, and then verify that cross-forest access rights are effective or the user's administrator account.

    3. On CORPDC, remove Jen’s account from the CONTOSO CorpAdmins group, if it is still present.

      1. Log into CORPDC as CONTOSO\Administrator.

      2. Launch PowerShell, run the following command and confirm the change.

        Remove-ADGroupMember -identity "CorpAdmins" -Members "Jen"