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Headers object

The Headers object is used to perform actions on request and response headers. Within a Headers object is a list of associated headers.


 var headers = new Headers(init); 


The Headers object has these types of members:

  • Methods


The Headers object has these methods.

Method Description

Appends a new value to an already existing header inside a Headers object.


Deletes a header from the current Headers object.


Gets the first value of a header from the current Headers object.


Checks whether or not a header exists within the current Headers object.


Sets a new value to an already existing header inside a Headers object.


Standards information


The optional parameter of the Headers object can be used to populate it during creation. This can be either another Headers object, a sequence of ByteStrings, or an open-ended dictionary of ByteStrings.

The following snippet shows how a Headers object can be created with an open-ended dictionary:

var init = {"Content-Type": "text/html", "MyCustomHeader" : "value"};
var Headers(init);


The following example shows three Headers objects being created in different ways. The first Headers object takes a sequence of ByteStrings. The headers2 Headers object is given an open-ended dictionary. The last Headers object, header3, populates by copying another Headers object's data.

var headers = new Headers([[“Content-Type”, “text/html”], [“MyCustomHeader”, ”value”]]);
var headers2 = new Headers({“Content-Type”: “text/html”, “MyCustomHeader”: ”value”});
var headers3 = new Headers(headers2);