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The WebVR API provides interfaces for virtual reality (VR) hardware, enabling the building of high-quality VR experiences.

Note  Microsoft Edge's implementation may differ from the most recent version of the W3C WebVR specification. This spec has continued to evolve over time.


In this section

Topic Description

VRDisplayEventInit (Dictionary)

The VRDisplayEventInit dictionary initializes a VRDisplayEvent object.

VRLayer (Dictionary)

The VRLayer dictionary represents a content layer to be presented to a head mounted display (HMD).

VRStageParameters (Dictionary)

The VRStageParameters dictionary specifies the values describing the stage area for devices that support room-scale experiences.


The VRDisplay object forms the base of all VR devices supported by this API, including generic information such as device IDs and descriptions.


The VRDisplayCapabilities object describes the capabilities of a VRDisplay.


The VRDisplayEvent object is used to represent events that occur in relation to a VRDisplay object.


The VREyeParameters interface represents all the information required to correctly render a scene for a given eye.


The VRFieldOfView object represents a field of view with four properties specifying the degrees of view from a center point.


The VRFrameData object represents the information needed to render a single frame of a virtual reality (VR) scene.


The VRPose interface represents a sensor’s state at a given timestamp.


Returns an array that contains every VRDisplay object that is currently presenting.


Returns a promise that resolves to an array of VRDisplay objects that are currently connected to the device.


Fires when a VRDisplay is connected to the device.


Fires when a VRDisplay is disconnected to the device.


Fires when the presenting state of a VRDisplay changes.