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FormErrorCollection.Add Method (XPathNavigator, String, String, String, Int32, ErrorMode) (Microsoft.Office.InfoPath)

Creates and adds a new FormError to the FormErrorCollection object associated with the current form.

Namespace: Microsoft.Office.InfoPath
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.InfoPath (in


Public MustOverride Function Add ( _
    context As XPathNavigator, _
    name As String, _
    message As String, _
    messageDetails As String, _
    errorCode As Integer, _
    errorMode As ErrorMode _
) As FormError
Dim instance As FormErrorCollection
Dim context As XPathNavigator
Dim name As String
Dim message As String
Dim messageDetails As String
Dim errorCode As Integer
Dim errorMode As ErrorMode
Dim returnValue As FormError

returnValue = instance.Add(context, name, message, messageDetails, errorCode, errorMode)
public abstract FormError Add (
    XPathNavigator context,
    string name,
    string message,
    string messageDetails,
    int errorCode,
    ErrorMode errorMode


  • context
    An XPathNavigator object positioned at the node that the error will be associated with.
  • name
    The name of the error (cannot be blank).
  • message
    The short message for the error.
  • messageDetails
    The detailed message for the error.
  • errorCode
    The error code of the error.
  • errorMode
    An ErrorMode that specifies the mode for displaying the error message.

Return Value

A reference to the new FormError that was added to the collection.


Exception type Condition


The name is null or an empty string.


An error of the same name already exists in the collection.


The parameters passed to this method are null.


The parameters passed to this method arenot valid. For example, they are of the wrong type or format.


The FormErrorType of the new FormError will be set to UserDefined.


It is possible to add multiple errors with the same name parameter value to different context nodes. However, if you add an error with the same name to the same context node twice, the second error added overwrites the first one.

This member can be accessed only by forms running in the same domain as the currently open form, or by forms that have been granted cross-domain permissions.

This type or member can be accessed from code running in forms opened in Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 or in a Web browser.


In the following example, first an XPathNavigator object is positioned at the field with which to associate an error. Then, the XPathNavigator, name, message, detailed message, error code, error number, and error display mode are passed to the Add method of the FormErrorCollection class to add the error to the form's error collection.

XPathNavigator root, txtbox;
// Create XPathNavigator for main data source.
root = this.MainDataSource.CreateNavigator();

// Create XPathNavigator positioned at field to associate with error.
txtbox = root.SelectSingleNode("//my:field1", this.NamespaceManager);

// Get form's collection of errors and add error.
this.Errors.Add(txtbox, "Field1Error", "Short error message.", 
   "Detailed error description.", 102057, ErrorMode.Modeless);
Dim root, txtbox As XPathNavigator
' Create XPathNavigator for main data source.
root = Me.MainDataSource.CreateNavigator()

' Create XPathNavigator positioned at field to add error.
txtbox = root.SelectSingleNode("//my:field1", Me.NamespaceManager)

' Get form's collection of errors and add error.
Me.Errors.Add(txtbox, "Field1Error", "Short error message.", 
   "Detailed error description.", 102057, ErrorMode.Modeless)

See Also


FormErrorCollection Class
FormErrorCollection Members
Microsoft.Office.InfoPath Namespace