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Step 2. Create Location Profiles

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 R2 will reach end of support on January 9, 2018. To stay supported, you will need to upgrade. For more information, see Resources to help you upgrade your Office 2007 servers and clients.


If you want to deploy Exchange UM for call answering and other services, go to Step 1. Configure Exchange UM to Work with Communications Server. Otherwise, skip Step 1 and begin your Enterprise Voice deployment here.

Location profiles specify how Communications Server is to interpret and route phone numbers that are dialed from various locations. You need to create a separate location profile for each geographic location where your organization maintains an office. If you maintain a single dial plan for your organization, you may nevertheless need a separate location profile for users who are enabled for Enterprise Voice.

A location profile is essentially a named set of normalization rules. Normalization rules translate dialed numbers in various formats into a standard (E.164) format. You need to create one or more normalization rules for each location profile. You can copy an existing normalization rule in one location profile to a new location profile.


If you are configuring Exchange UM to work with Enterprise Voice, it is recommended that you perform that step before you create location profiles. For more information, see Choosing Your Deployment Path, in Chapter 3: Deploying Enterprise Voice.

If you are deploying Communications Server in PBX integration mode, then you will not use Exchange UM to provide voice mail. This frees you from the need to name a location profile with the FQDN of the corresponding Exchange UM dial plan. However, at such time as you transition users from PBX integration to stand-alone Enterprise Voice, you will need to deploy Exchange UM to provide voice mail for the transitioned users, at which time the requirement for naming location profiles using the FQDN of the corresponding Exchange UM dial plan will be in force.

Before you begin, you should understand location profiles, phone number normalization rules, and the roles they play in Enterprise Voice. For more information, see Location Profiles in Office Communications Server.


Enterprise Voice Route Helper provides an alternative to the Office Communications Server 2007 Administrative Tools for viewing and modifying Enterprise Voice number normalization rules, location profiles, voice policy, and routes. Route Helper is available in the Office Communications Server 2007 Resource Kit.


Creating a location profile consists of the following tasks:

  • Assigning a name to a new location profile.

  • Providing a description that will describe the location profile to users.

  • Creating one or more normalization rules.

To create a location profile

  1. Open the Office Communications Server 2007 administrative snap-in.

  2. In the console pane, right-click the Forest node, point to Properties, and click Voice Properties.


  3. On the Location Profiles tab, click Add to create a new location profile. Repeat this step as needed to create all the location profiles that your organization requires.

  4. In the Name box, type one of the following:

    • If you have configured Exchange UM for Enterprise Voice and have completed Step 1, type the FQDN of the corresponding Exchange UM dial plan.

    • A useful descriptive name. This name must be unique and cannot exceed 256 Unicode characters, each of which can be an alphabetic or numeric character, a hyphen (-), a period (.), a plus sign (+), an underscore ( _ ), or either left or right parenthesis: ) or (.


    If you are planning to configure Exchange UM for Enterprise Voice but have not yet done so, stop now and perform Step 1. Configure Exchange UM to Work with Communications Server before you continue creating location profiles.

  5. In the Description box, it is recommended that you type the common, recognizable name of the geographic location to which the location profile applies. For example, if the location profile name is, then the recommended Description would be London. If you have deployed the Office Communicator 2007 Phone Edition, the name is this field will be displayed to end users for the purpose of allowing them to select the appropriate location profile for a call.

  6. Click Add to open the Add Phone Number Normalization Rule dialog box.


  7. In the Name box, type a name that describes the number pattern being normalized; for example, 5DigitExtension or 7 digit calling Toronto.

  8. If you want to create a new normalization rule, skip this and the following step. If you want to copy the phone pattern and translation pattern of an existing normalization rule, click Copy.

  9. In the Copy Phone Number Normalization Rule dialog box, select the normalization rule that you want to copy, and then click OK. If you want to view a normalization rule before copying it, select the rule, and then click View.

  10. In the Description box, type a brief description (optional) of the normalization rule; for example, "Translates 5-digit extensions" or "Translates 7-digit numbers to Toronto local number".

  11. In the Phone pattern regular expression box, use .NET Framework regular expressions to describe a phone number pattern; for example, ^9(\d{7})$, which describes a phone number pattern consisting of the number 9 followed by any seven digits. For information about using .NET Framework regular expressions, see

  12. In the Translation pattern regular expression box, use .NET Framework regular expressions to describe the E.164 phone number corresponding to the number entered in the Phone pattern regular expression box.

  13. Click Helper if you require assistance in formulating regular expressions.

  14. In the Sample dialed number box, type a phone number to test whether the number translation works properly. If the number matches the phone pattern, the translation is shown in the Translated number box.

  15. If the translation matches the phone pattern, click OK.

  16. Create as many normalization rules as your location profile requires.

  17. When you are done, click OK.