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Update Audit Log Schema

Device Update Service generates audit log files to record each image update request and saves them in Logs\Server\Audit\imageUpdates\. A new log is created each day, and all image update requests for that day are appended in the log. Each request is represented in a comma-delimited string that has the following schema:

Update audit log file schema

Item Description

Logging Date Time

The time the log entry was created.

User Host Address

The IP address of the requesting client device

Device Type

The device type, either RoundTable or UCPhone, from the request XML

MAC Address

The address of the requesting device (which might be blank), from the request XML

Serial Number

The serial number of the requesting device (which might be blank), from the request XML


The vendor of the device, from the request XML


The model of the device, from the request XML


The revision of the device, from the request XML


The locale of the device, from the request XML The locale is a combination of language and geographic location used to format the display of the date, time, currency, and various measurements.

Request Modules

Information about the modules on the device, from the request XML. The schema for this field is a list of modules, separated by the pound (#) character. Each module consists of the following fields, separated by the comma (;) character:

  • Filename: The name of the file
  • Version: The version of the file
  • Timestamp: The timestamp of the file

Response Modules

The returned list of updates, added to the response XML. The schema for this field is a list of modules, separated by the pound (#) character. Each module consists of the following fields, separated by the comma (;) character:

  • Filename: The name of the file
  • Signature Filename: The name of the signature file
  • Version: The version of the file
  • Timestamp: The timestamp of the file

User ID

This is an optional entry to associate the last signed in user to the requesting device. Communicator Phone Edition sends this information for traceability of the device.

See Also


Auditing Update Requests