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Work with Enhanced Presence Using Unified Communications Client API

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Unified Communications Client API supports the publication and subscription of enhanced presence. In general, the API exposes the IUccCategoryInstance interface to represent enhanced presence. Commonly used enhanced presence defined by Office Communications Server and Office Communicator are encapsulated by special interfaces, such as IUccPresenceStateInstance, IUccPresenceNoteInstance, and IUccPresenceContactCardInstance.

To publish enhanced presence, a Unified Communications Client API client creates a publishable category instance and sets appropriate presence information on the created instance. For the special presence category instances, the latter step amounts to setting appropriate properties on the interface instance. For other presence category instances (including custom), setting the presence information involves assigning an XML blob as the value of an IUccCategoryInstance object. The XML blob must conform to the Unified Communications Enhanced Presence Schema, if the presence data is to be received and parsed by Communicator. For more information, see the Microsoft Unified Communications Client API documentation.

See Also

Other Resources

Work with Enhanced Presence Using Unified Communications Managed API version 2.0