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ChatEmoticon Enumeration

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Enumerates a chat message emoticon, which can be used as part of a chat message. For more information, see MessagePartEmoticon.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.GroupChat
Assembly:  Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.GroupChat (in Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.GroupChat.dll)


Public Enumeration ChatEmoticon
Dim instance As ChatEmoticon
public enum ChatEmoticon


Member name Description
Smile An emoticon which represents the face of a person who is smiling; typed as :)
Frown An emoticon which represents the face of a person who is frowning; typed as :(
Cool An emoticon which represents the face of a person wearing sunglasses; typed as 8-)
Laughing An emoticon which represents the face of a person whose mouth is open and laughing; typed as :-D
Shocked An emoticon which represents the face of a person whose mouth is wide open; typed as :-O
Confused An emoticon which represents the face of a person who appears confused; typed as :-/
Crying An emoticon which represents the face of a person who is crying; typed as :'(
Tongue An emoticon which represents the face of a person whose tongue is sticking out; typed as :-P
Wink An emoticon which represents the face of a person who is winking; typed as ;)
Angry An emoticon which represents the face of an angry person; typed as >:O
Kissing An emoticon which represents the face of a person whose lips are puckered up for a kiss; typed as :-*

See Also


Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.GroupChat Namespace