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DtmfRecognitionEngine Members

Provides access to DTMF recognition services.

The following tables list the members exposed by the DtmfRecognitionEngine type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
DtmfRecognitionEngine Creates a new instance of DtmfRecognitionEngine.


Public Properties

  Name Description
Dd167758.pubproperty(en-us,office.13).gif EndSilenceTimeoutAmbiguous Gets or sets the number of milliseconds to wait after an ambiguous recognition.
Dd167758.pubproperty(en-us,office.13).gif Grammars Gets a list of Grammar objects loaded into the current instance of the DtmfRecognitionEngine.
Dd167758.pubproperty(en-us,office.13).gif InitialSilenceTimeout Gets or sets the maximum amount of silence that can precede DTMF input before recognition fails.
Dd167758.pubproperty(en-us,office.13).gif InterToneTimeout Gets or sets the number of milliseconds to wait between tones before terminating recognition.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif AddTone Overloaded. Adds a tone to the buffer for recognition against the loaded grammars.
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif Dispose  
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif Equals  Overloaded. (inherited from Object )
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif FlushToneBuffer Clears the tone buffer.
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif GetHashCode  (inherited from Object )
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif GetTerminationTones Gets the collection of DTMF tones that terminate recognition.
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif GetType  (inherited from Object )
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif LoadGrammar Synchronously loads the specified grammar into the DtmfRecognizer.
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif LoadGrammarAsync Asynchronously loads the specified grammar into the DtmfRecognizer.
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif RecognizeAsync Overloaded.  
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif RecognizeAsyncCancel  
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gifDd167758.static(en-us,office.13).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif SetTerminationTone Sets a DTMF tone that will terminate DTMF recognition immediately.
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif SetTerminationTones Sets a collection of DTMF tones that will terminate DTMF recognition immediately.
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif ToString  (inherited from Object )
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif UnloadAllGrammars Unloads all loaded grammars.
Dd167758.pubmethod(en-us,office.13).gif UnloadGrammar Unloads the specified grammar.


Protected Methods

  Name Description
Dd167758.protmethod(en-us,office.13).gif Finalize  (inherited from Object )
Dd167758.protmethod(en-us,office.13).gif MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )


Public Events

  Name Description
Dd167758.pubevent(en-us,office.13).gif DtmfHypothesized Raised when DTMF input has been detected and recognized.
Dd167758.pubevent(en-us,office.13).gif DtmfRecognitionRejected Raised when DTMF input has been detected, but cannot be recognized from current grammars.
Dd167758.pubevent(en-us,office.13).gif DtmfRecognized Raised when DTMF input has been detected and recognized.
Dd167758.pubevent(en-us,office.13).gif LoadGrammarCompleted Raised on completion of the asynchronous load of a Grammar object.
Dd167758.pubevent(en-us,office.13).gif RecognizeCompleted Raised on completion of an asynchronous recognition.


See Also


DtmfRecognitionEngine Class
Microsoft.Speech.Recognition Namespace