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Loading an Application Manifest

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Loading an Application Manifest

For Microsoft SIP Processing Language (MSPL) script applications, load the application manifest manually using the Microsoft Management Console. For more information, in the Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Administration Guide see "Adding Script-Only Applications."


Script-only applications cannot be loaded directly through WMI.

For SIP managed code applications, load the application manifest using the ApplicationManifest class, and compile the manifest by calling the ApplicationManifest.Compile method, as illustrated in the following code:

ResourceManager myResourceManager = new ResourceManager(MyApplicationType);
string appManifestXml = myResourceManager.GetString("appManifest");

ApplicationManifest myAppManifest = ApplicationManifest.CreateFromString(appManifestXml);
try {
catch (CompilerErrorException cee) {
  Console.WriteLine("Failed to compile.");
  foreach (string message in cee.ErrorMessages) {
Dim myResourceManager As New ResourceManager(MyApplicationType)
Dim appManifestXml As String = myResourceManager.GetString("appManifest")

Dim myAppManifest As ApplicationManifest = ApplicationManifest.CreateFromString(appManifestXml)
Catch cee As CompilerErrorException
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to compile.")
Dim message As String
    For Each message In cee.ErrorMessages
End Try

The compiled application manifest is presented to the server agent, which uses the application attributes along with the rules defined in the MSPL message filter to dispatch only those SIP messages that the application is designed to process. All other message are proxied, or dropped (if so specified).

See Also


SIP Application Manifests

Creating an Application Manifest

SIP Application Manifest Example