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Creating Conferences

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Using the Focus Factory URI obtained in a query for server configuration, a custom client creates a conference through the Focus Factory. The new conference can only be joined by users if the new conference Focus URI is known. A new conference Focus URI is returned to the conference creator and must be sent to remote users within a conference invitation. With the conference URI received in a conference invitation, a remote user enters the new conference. For information about querying for server configuration and obtaining a Focus Factory URI, see Query Office Communications Server Configuration.

To create a conference through the Focus Factory, the local client must define certain conference properties such as the intended conference roster and the media types to be used in the conference. In addition, the client must specify the entry method to be used by participants. These properties are encapsulated by the IUccConferenceInformation interface. The client must instantiate this interface, fill the properties, and send a request to the Focus Factory containing the conference information object. For information about accepting a conference invitation and joining a conference, see Joining Conferences.

In Microsoft Unified Communications Client API, a conference manager session is used to manage a conference. A conference manager session is represented by a session object that implements the IUccSession and IUccConferenceManagerSession interfaces. With this object, you can schedule, configure, or delete a conference. In addition, you can get all configured multipoint control units (MCUs) that are located on the Microsoft Office Communications Server computer that hosts a conference, or get a list of all conferences you have scheduled that have not expired.

Before you schedule a conference, start an active instance of the UccPlatform and IUccEndpoint objects.

Operational Steps

To schedule and configure a conference

  1. Initialize the IUccConferenceManager object.

  2. Create an IUccConferenceManagerSession object, and then advise for the _IUccConferenceManagerSessionEvents event raised by the conference manager session object. The client must also implement event handlers for the registered events.

  3. Request Focus-supported MCUs on your Office Communications Server computer.

  4. Create an IUccConferenceInformation object.

  5. Set conference configuration properties on the IUccConferenceInformation object.

  6. Schedule the conference by calling the ScheduleConference method on the conference manager session.

  7. Handle conference scheduling-related events using the _IUccConferenceManagerSessionEvents interface.

To cancel a scheduled conference

  • Using a conference ID value from your scheduled conference list, cancel a specific conference object by calling into the DeleteConference method.

In This Section

Scheduling a Conference