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How to: Use the Spectrum View

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Users with advanced backgrounds in speech signal processing might find the Spectrum view useful in determining word boundaries.

Using the Spectrum View

To open the Spectrum view

  • In Wave Editor, click Show Spectrum on the Wave menu.

To adjust contrast in the Spectrum view

  1. In Wave Editor, click Adjust Contrast on the Wave menu.

    The Spectrum view enters contrast mode.

  2. To set the contrast level, click and drag within the Spectrum view.

  3. On the Wave menu, click Adjust Contrast to exit contrast mode.

To change Spectrum view options

  1. In Wave Editor, click Spectrum Options on the Wave menu.

  2. In the Spectrum Options dialog box, change the settings, and then click OK.

To exit the Spectrum view

  • In Wave Editor, click Show Spectrum on the Wave menu.


When a waveform audio file is imported, the speech recognizer automatically aligns the text to the audio data. Generally, the alignments are quite accurate, but sometimes they need to be tuned. Because the spectrogram view shows concentrations of energy at different frequencies, it might be easier to find word boundaries when looking at the spectrogram view. To view a spectrogram for a recording, open a .wav file from Speech Prompt Editor. On the Wave menu, click Show Spectrum, and then look for the edges of the black areas.

See Also

Other Resources

Prompt Projects and Databases
Prompt Transcriptions and Recordings