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Prompt Engine Database Searches

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To effectively combine extractions into prompts, review the rules for matching prompts with transcriptions and extractions.

Combining Extractions into Prompts

To find extractions to combine into a prompt, the prompt engine searches the extractions and transcriptions contained in the prompt database. The following text lists the rules for matching prompts with transcriptions and extractions:

  • The prompt engine normalizes the text for white space, case, and punctuation in the same manner as that used when loading the databases.

  • The maximum length of a search string is 1,000 characters, including spaces, control characters, and line breaks (line breaks are treated as a single character).


    To cause the prompt engine to speak a longer string, use the peml:id element to specify prompts that compose the longer string.

  • Prompt Engine Markup Language (PEML) and Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) elements delimit segment boundaries. The prompt engine performs a separate search for each segment.

  • If an entry for a given segment does not exist in the databases that are loaded into memory, or if the audio file associated with the segment is not a valid .wav file, the prompt engine creates a fallback text-to-speech (TTS) engine that synthesizes the output.

  • .Wav files containing silence can be used to produce silent output using the prompt engine.

See Also


How to: Validate Prompts in a Managed Code Voice Response Application


Prompt Functions

Other Resources

RunSpeech - Example