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Microsoft.Speech.Web.UI Namespace

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.


Class Description
AlphaDigit Creates Application Speech Controls that collect an alphanumeric string.
Answer Creates Answer??Dialog Speech Controls.
AnswerCall Creates AnswerCall??Dialog Speech Controls.
AnswerCallControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the AnswerCall control.
AnswerCollection A collection of Answer controls.
AnswerControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the Answer control.
ApplicationControl Defines properties, methods, and events shared by all Application Speech Controls.
ApplicationControlWithOneSemanticItem Supports the Application Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
ApplicationControlWithOneSemanticItemAndDtmf This class supports the Application Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
ApplicationControlWithPostback Supports the Application Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
ApplicationControlWithPostbackAndDtmf Supports the Application Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
AttributeDictionary Supports the Dialog Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
BasePropertyCollection Implements BasePropertyCollection.
BaseValidator The base class for validator controls.
BaseValidatorControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the BaseValidator control.
Bind Implements Bind.
BindCollection Implements BindCollection.
CallInfo Creates CallInfo??Dialog Speech Controls.
ColumnTemplate Allows authors to specify what to say when navigating to a specific column.
Command Creates Command??Dialog Speech Controls.
CommandControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the Command control.
CommandRule Contains information about the behavior of built-in grammars.
CommandRuleCollection A collection of Grammars.
CommandTriggeredEventArgs Contains information about the CommandTriggeredEvent.
CompareValidator Creates CompareValidator??Dialog Speech Controls.
CompareValidatorControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the CompareValidator control.
Content Implements Content.
CreditCardDate Creates Application Speech Controls that collect a credit card expiration date.
CreditCardNumber Creates Application Speech Controls that collect a credit card number.
Currency Creates Application Speech Controls that collect an amount in dollars and cents.
CustomValidator Creates CompareValidator??Dialog Speech Controls.
CustomValidatorControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the CompareValidator control.
DataItemContainer Contains the data item for a template.
DataTableNavigator Creates Application Speech Controls that navigate data tables.
Date Creates Application Speech Controls that collect a date.
DialogPrompt Creates DialogPrompt??Dialog Speech Controls.
DisconnectCall Creates DisconnectCall??Dialog Speech Controls.
DisconnectCallControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the DisconnectCall control.
Dtmf Creates Dtmf??Dialog Speech Controls.
DtmfControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the Dtmf control.
DtmfKeyConverter TypeConverter for type DtmfKey.
Grammar Creates Grammar??Dialog Speech Controls.
GrammarCollection A collection of Grammar controls.
GrammarControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the Grammar control.
IndexedSpeechControl Supports the Dialog Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
IndexedStyleReferenceSpeechControl Supports the Dialog Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
InlineContent Implements the DialogPrompt??InlineContent class.
InlineContentBuilder ??
ListSelector Creates Application Speech Controls that collect an item from a list.
MakeCall Creates MakeCall Dialog Speech Controls.
MakeCallControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the MakeCall control.
NaturalNumber Creates Application Speech Controls that collect a number.
Param Implements Param.
ParamCollection Implements ParamCollection.
Phone Creates Application Speech Controls that collect a phone number.
PromptControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the Prompt control.
PromptDatabase Implements PromptDatabase.
PromptDatabaseCollection Implements PromptDatabaseCollection.
QA Creates QA??Dialog Speech Controls.
QAControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the QA control.
ReceiveEventArgs Implements ReceiveEventArgs.
Reco Creates Reco??Dialog Speech Controls.
RecoControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the Reco control.
Record Configures the recording of audio input.
RecordControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the Record control.
RecordSound Creates RecordSound??Dialog Speech Controls.
SaltModules Supports the Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
SemanticEventArgs Implements SemanticEventArgs.
SemanticItem Creates SemanticItem??Dialog Speech Controls.
SemanticItemControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the SemanticItem control.
SemanticMap Creates SemanticMap??Dialog Speech Controls.
SemanticMapBuilder ??
SmexMessage Creates SmexMessage??Dialog Speech Controls.
SmexMessageBase Creates SmexMessageBase??Dialog Speech Controls.
SmexMessageBaseControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the SmexMessageBase control.
SmexMessageControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the SmexMessage control.
SocialSecurityNumber Creates Application Speech Controls that collect a U.S. Social Security number.
SpeechControl Supports the Dialog Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
SpeechControlContainer Supports the Dialog Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
SpeechControlSettings Contains a SpeechControlSettingsCollection.
SpeechControlSettingsCollection A collection of SpeechControlSettingsItem controls.
SpeechControlSettingsConfigurationHandler Supports the Dialog Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
SpeechControlSettingsItem Creates SpeechControlSettingsItem??Dialog Speech Controls.
StringArrayList A collection of strings.
StyleReferenceSpeechControl Supports the Dialog Speech Controls infrastructure and is not intended to be used in application code.
TemplateSet Contains a collection of templates.
TransferCall Creates TransferCall??Dialog Speech Controls.
TransferCallControlSettings A property of the SpeechControlSettingsItem control that sets property values of the TransferCall control.
Value Implements Value.
YesNo Creates Application Speech Controls that collect a yes or no.
ZipCode Creates Application Speech Controls that collect a U.S. ZIP Code.


Interface Description
IDtmf Interface for DTMF support.
ISpeechSettings Defines a Settings property that can be used to inherit default values from SpeechControlSettingsItem controls.


Delegate Description
CommandTriggeredEventHandler Contains information about the CommandTriggeredEvent.
ReceiveEventHandler Implements ReceiveEventHandler.
SemanticEventHandler Implements SemanticEventHandler.


Enumeration Description
AccessMode ??
CallState The CallState enumeration defines the state of a phone call.
CommandType ??
DateContextSupported ??
DtmfKey Enumerates the values of the StopOnDtmf property of the RecordSound control.
SemanticEvent Enumerates the events raised by the SemanticEvents control.
SemanticState Enumerates the values of the State property of the SemanticItem control.