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Telephony Interface Manager Connector Performance Counters

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

The following table lists performance counters for Telephony Interface Manager Connector (TIMC). Use these counters to monitor TIMC performance. These performance counters are only available if TIMC is installed.

Performance Counter Description Guidance

Current sessions inbound

The current number of inbound sessions being handled by the service, including failing sessions.

Current sessions inbound cannot be higher than the number of inbound channel instances for the telephony interface manager (TIM).

Current sessions outbound

The current number of outbound sessions being handled by the service, including failing sessions.

Current sessions outbound cannot be higher than the number of outbound channel instances for the TIM.

Total failed inbound sessions

The cumulative number of inbound sessions that failed since the service started.

A failed inbound session is call that has been initialized by the TIM but cannot be connected. Compare with Total sessions inbound as an indication of overall health. Check event logs and ETL for errors if the number is an unacceptably high proportion of Total sessions inbound.

Total failed outbound sessions

The cumulative number of outbound sessions that failed since the service started.

A failed outbound session is a call that has been initialized by Speech Server, but cannot be connected. Compared with Total sessions outbound as an indication of overall health. Check event logs and ETL for error if the number is an unacceptably high proportion of Total sessions outbound.

Total sessions inbound

The cumulative number of inbound sessions that have been received since the service started.

Total sessions outbound

The cumulative number of outbound sessions that have been received since the service started.

Total successful inbound sessions

The cumulative number of inbound sessions that were successfully received since the service started.

Compare with Total sessions inbound as an indication of overall health. It should be a high proportion of Total sessions inbound.

Total successful outbound sessions

The cumulative number of outbound sessions that were successfully received since the service started.

Compare with Total sessions outbound as an indication of overall health. It should be a high proportion of Total sessions outbound.