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How to: Import Compiled Prompts

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Importing compiled transcriptions facilitates sharing transcriptions with sound studios and other developers. Use Speech Prompt Editor to import compiled transcriptions from a .prompts file to a .promptdb file.

Importing Compiled Prompts

To import compiled prompts

  1. In Speech Prompt Editor, open a prompt database.

  2. On the Prompt menu, click Import Compiled Prompts.

  3. In the Import Compiled Prompts dialog box, locate the compiled prompt file, and then click Open.

Not all the information in a .promptdb file is included in the .prompts file. As a result, importing a .prompts file cannot recreate the original .promptdb file. The following information is imported to Speech Prompt Editor from a compiled .prompts file:

  • Transcription text
  • Post-compile .wav data
  • Word alignments
  • Extractions
  • Extraction information, such as Start Phoneme and End Phoneme
  • Extraction IDs
  • Extraction tags

See Also


Compile Prompt Databases

Other Resources

Prompt Projects and Databases