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How to: Add or Remove a Deployment Group

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Computers with an installed version of the Speech Server Administrator console have an initial deployment group called Default. If the Administrator console is installed on a computer with Speech Server, the Default group contains the local computer in the Servers subgroup. You can add and remove Speech Server deployment groups to manage related Speech Server components.

One reason to add a deployment group to the Speech Server Administrator console is to synchronize settings across several servers simultaneously. If you have multiple servers that you need to configure with identical settings, you can create a new deployment group, add the servers to the Servers subgroup, and use the Copy Server Settings command to give all the servers identical settings. For more information, see How to: Copy Speech Server Settings to All Computers in a Deployment Group.

Adding and Removing a Deployment Group

To add a Speech Server deployment group

  1. Open the Speech Server Administrator console.

    For more information, see How to: Start the Speech Server Administrator Console.

  2. In the console tree, right-click Speech Server, point to New, and then click Group.

  3. In the New Group name box, type the name of the deployment group you want to create, and then click OK.

To remove a Speech Server deployment group

  1. Open the Speech Server Administrator console.

    For more information, see How to: Start the Speech Server Administrator Console.

  2. In the console tree, right-click the applicable group, and then click Delete.

See Also


How to: Add or Remove a Server
How to: Add or Remove a Speech Server Application
How to: Add or Remove a SIP Peer
How to: Add or Remove a Trusted SIP Peer

Other Resources

Understanding Speech Server Administration