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Confirmation Rules for French (Canada)

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Confirmation rules provide access to simple dialog confirmation responses. These include Yes, No, YesNo, and Cancel subclasses. The responses are generic and are independent of the prompt used to solicit the response.


Rule Description


Recognizes a positive answer, negative answer, or command to abandon the current task.


Recognizes a positive or negative answer.


Recognizes a positive answer.


Recognizes a negative answer.


Recognizes a command to abandon the current task.


<ruleref uri="Library.grxml#Confirmation" type="application/srgs+xml"/>
<ruleref uri="Library.grxml#Confirmation_YesNo" type="application/srgs+xml"/>
<ruleref uri="Library.grxml#Confirmation_Yes" type="application/srgs+xml"/>
<ruleref uri="Library.grxml#Confirmation_No" type="application/srgs+xml"/>
<ruleref uri="Library.grxml#Confirmation_Cancel" type="application/srgs+xml"/>

The grammar can be used as follows (using the Confirmation rule as an example).

<grammar xmlns:sapi=""
         xml:lang="fr-CA" tag-format="semantics-ms/1.0" version="1.0" mode="voice"
         root="Rule1" xmlns="">
    <rule id="Rule1" scope="public">
        <ruleref uri="Library.grxml#Confirmation" type="application/srgs+xml"/>
    <tag>$ = $$</tag>

JScript Object

$Confirmation._value: string ["Yes", "No", "Cancel"]
$Confirmation_YesNo._value: string ["Yes", "No"]
$Confirmation_Yes._value: string ["Yes"]
$Confirmation_No._value: string ["No"]
$Confirmation_Cancel._value: string ["Cancel"]


The YesNo, Confirmation, and Yes rules can recognize the following positive responses: "oui, ouein, OK."

The YesNo, Confirmation, and No rules can recognize the following negative responses: "non."

The Confirmation and Cancel rules can recognize the following commands to abandon the current task: "arr??t, arr??te, retour, reculer, stop."

Examples: Confirmation

Example 1

User says: "oui."

SML returned by the recognition engine.

<SML text="oui" utteranceConfidence="1.000" confidence="1.000">Yes</SML>

Example 2

User says: "non."

SML returned by the recognition engine.

<SML text="non" utteranceConfidence="1.000" confidence="1.000">No</SML>

Example 3

User says: "arr??te."

SML returned by the recognition engine.

<SML text="arr??te" utteranceConfidence="1.000" confidence="1.000">Cancel</SML>

See Also


Voice Mode Grammar Library for French (Canada)