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MakeCallActivity Class

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Makes an outbound telephone call.

Namespace: Microsoft.SpeechServer.Dialog
Assembly: Microsoft.SpeechServer (in microsoft.speechserver.dll)


<GlobalizedCategoryAttribute("MSSCategory")> _
<DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.SpeechServer.Authoring.DialogDesigner.SpeechSimpleDesigner, Microsoft.SpeechServer.Authoring.DialogDesigner, Version=2.0.3400.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35", GetType(IDesigner))> _
<GlobalizedDescriptionAttribute("MakeCallActivity")> _
<ToolboxBitmapAttribute(GetType(MakeCallActivity))> _
<ActivityValidatorAttribute(GetType(MakeCallActivityValidator))> _
Public NotInheritable Class MakeCallActivity
    Inherits Activity
[DesignerAttribute("Microsoft.SpeechServer.Authoring.DialogDesigner.SpeechSimpleDesigner, Microsoft.SpeechServer.Authoring.DialogDesigner, Version=2.0.3400.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35", typeof(IDesigner))] 
public sealed class MakeCallActivity : Activity


MakeCallActivity makes a call to the number in CalledParty from the number in CallingParty. If the call is to a telephone number, ProxyName must be null or empty. If the call is to a SIP URI, ProxyName must be set with a valid value.

Inheritance Hierarchy

???? System.Workflow.ComponentModel.DependencyObject
???????? System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Activity


The following code example shows how you can determine the status (such as busy, ringing, and declined) of a call made by MakeCallActivity by using the response codes and associated response text that are written to the log file. The method presented here is the global fault-handling method that is contained in the template for speech workflow applications. This method catches any exception that is not caught by an author-written fault handler operating at a more local scope.

The following is a typical errorMessage string logged by this method:

"A Sip request has failed. The current operation is 'Opening'. The session state is 'Connecting'. The remote participant is 'sip:1234@taptest1:4923'. The response code was '603'. The response text was 'Decline'."

private void HandleGeneralFault(object sender, EventArgs e)
  // The fault property is read-only. When an exception is thrown the 
  // actual exception is stored in this property. Check this value for 
  // error information.
  string errorMessage = this.generalFaultHandler.Fault.Message;

  // If the debugger is attached, break here
  // so that you can see the error that occurred.
  // (Check the errorMessage variable above.)
  // Write the error to both the NT Event Log and the .etl file,
  //so that some record is kept even if the debugger is not attached.
             50000,  // An event id, chosen arbitrarily.
                     // Speech Server uses various IDs below 50000, so you should 
                     // use IDs of 50000 or larger to avoid overlap.
             "An exception occurred in the Speech workflow with ID " +
             this.WorkflowInstanceId +
            ". The exception was:\n" +

  // Dump a detailed version of the most recent Speech Server logs to the .etl file
  // The Administrator Console has the current Speech Server logging settings, 
  // including the location of this file.

Thread Safety

All public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread-safe. Instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.


Development Platforms

Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista Ultimate Edition, Windows Vista Business Edition, Windows Vista Enterprise Edition

Target Platforms

Windows Server 2003

See Also


MakeCallActivity Members
Microsoft.SpeechServer.Dialog Namespace