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Global Application Settings

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

There are four global application variables that are used to affect the run-time behavior of the application. These variables are evaluated at render time.

Variable Description


Specifies a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to a default error page to be loaded in the case of Speech Server errors and exceptions.

EnableConditionalLogging flag

Enables or disables conditional logging, which prevents Speech Server from logging sensitive data such as credit card and Social Security numbers. If the value is true, conditional logging is enabled and sensitive data is protected. If set to false, conditional logging is disabled and all data fields are logged. The default value is true. For more information, see the SemanticItem.SensitiveData property.


Specifies the HTML-encoded parameter for the default Telephony Interface Manager Smex tag.

speechControlSettings (for all controls)

Specifies the default property settings for Dialog Speech Controls in the application.

In the following example, all class and property names within the speechControlSettings element must be CamelCased. The <appSettings> tag must be placed one level inside the <configuration> tag within the Web.config file.


This CallManagerSmexParam is HTML-encoded in the following example.


The HTML-encoded CallManagerSmexParam appears in the following Web.config file.

        <add key="errorpage" value="myerrorPage" />
        <add key="EnableConditionalLogging" value="True" />
        <add key="CallManagerSmexParam" value="&lt;salt:param&gt;&lt;salt:clsid&gt;{ADC22E8D-4BB3-4c1d-9B8E-5EDD9BC5B976}&lt;/salt:clsid&gt;&lt;/salt:param&gt;" />
        <speechControlSettingsItem id="globalStyle">
                    <promptDatabase source="Prompts/SpeechIndexPrompts.prompts" />
                    <promptDatabase source="Prompts/SpeechIndexPrompts.prompts" />
                    <promptDatabase source="Prompts/SpeechIndexPrompts.prompts" />
                    <promptDatabase source="Prompts/SpeechIndexPrompts.prompts" />

See Also


SpeechControls Introduction