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Lab: Deploying the Survey Tutorial Application

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This is one of several labs that are associated with the Survey Tutorial, which is a simplified version of the Survey sample that ships with Speech Server. It is assumed that you have followed the directions in Lab: Constructing the Survey Tutorial Application and that the application compiles and builds with no errors. If your application contains errors, see Lab: Debugging the Survey Tutorial Application for techniques to remove them.

This lab provides step-by-step instructions for deploying and running the Survey Tutorial application.

Deploying the Application

At a high level, the steps involved in deploying an application are as follows:

  1. Move the application files to their target location on the computer that will run the application.
  2. Use the Administrator console to configure Speech Server application settings.
  3. Use the Administrator console to create a SIP peer.
  4. Use the Administrator console to create a trusted SIP peer.

The following sections provide details for each of these steps.

Moving the Application Files to the Server

Move the application files to their location on the server that runs Speech Server.


The application must first be built.

Configuring Speech Server Application Settings

To configure settings for the application

  1. Start the Administrator console.

    For more information, see How to: Start the Speech Server Administrator Console.

  2. In the left pane, expand the Default node, and then select Applications.

  3. Right-click Applications, click New, and then click Application.

  4. In the Create New Application dialog box, do the following:

    1. In the Application name box, enter SurveyTutorial.

    2. In the Deployment Location box, enter the location of the deployed files.


      In Windows Explorer, navigate to the directory that contains the C# source code files for the application. In the Address bar in Windows Explorer, select the path and copy it to the clipboard. This directory ordinarily has the same name as the directory one level above it.

    3. In the Manifest box, enter the path and file name of the manifest.
      The path is the same as you entered in the Deployment Location box.


      If you copied the deployment location to the Clipboard as described in the previous tip, you can paste the same path in the Manifest box, and then enter /manifest.xml at the end.

    4. Click OK.

    5. In the Select servers dialog box, select the computer to run the application, and then click OK.

Creating a SIP Peer

In the following procedure, you create a SIP peer, which establishes a connection between the server that runs the Survey tutorial and the computer that runs the softphone.

To create a SIP peer

  1. Start the Administrator console.

    For more information , see How to: Start the Speech Server Administrator Console.

  2. In the left pane, expand the Default node, and then select SIP Peers.

  3. Right-click SIP Peers, click New, and then click SIP Peer.

  4. In the Add SIP Peer dialog box, do the following:

    1. In the Name box, enter a name for your softphone.
    2. In the Address box, enter the IP address for the computer that runs the softphone.
    3. Click OK.

Creating a Trusted SIP Peer

In this procedure, you make the SIP peer you created in the previous procedure a trusted SIP peer. In other words, this procedure informs the computer running Speech Server that it can trust the SIP peer.

To create a trusted SIP peer

  1. Start the Administrator console.

    For more information , see How to: Start the Speech Server Administrator Console.

  2. In the left pane, expand the Default node, and then select Trusted SIP Peers.

  3. Right-click Trusted SIP Peers, click New, and then click Trusted SIP Peer.

  4. In the Add Trusted SIP Peer dialog box, select the Allow outbound calls check box.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Select servers dialog box, select the server that should trust the SIP peer, and then click OK.

Running the Application

After you run the application in the Visual Studio 2005 debugger and determined to your satisfaction that the application is working correctly, you can run the application and have it perform an outbound call.

For the application to make an outbound call, the debugger cannot be running. In the following procedure, it is assumed that the SIP peer provides a telephony connection to the phone number that the application should call and that the outboundUri string in Outbound.aspx has been correctly set. For more information, see Creating the Dialog Workflow.

To run the application

  1. Start IIS Manager.

    For more information see the previous procedure.

  2. In the left pane, expand the server node, expand Web Sites, expand Default Web Site, and then select the SurveyTutorial node.

  3. In the right pane, select Outbound.aspx.

  4. Right-click Outbound.aspx, and then click Browse.

    This causes the application trigger page to open in Internet Explorer.

  5. Click Send Trigger.

    This causes the phone to ring on the target computer. The user then answers the phone and begins interacting with the application.