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Prepare to Build the Data Warehouse

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The Business Intelligence Tools (BIT) in Speech Server are samples that illustrate how to build a data warehouse of large volumes of Speech Server data and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) cubes for reporting on the data.

Preparing to Build the Data Warehouse

Schedule the migration for a time when users do not have to access the data in the source or target database. You might also want to lock the data in the source to ensure that no work is performed during the migration. Migration into a target database is not supported if a Speech Server MssLogToDatabase migration is run on the source computer.

Multiple migrations using the PackageB_DM component into the same target data warehouse are supported.

Important??????When migrating data on a regular basis from the same source database, ensure that the new data to be migrated in the source database does not use row identifiers that have already been migrated. This is because the migration process uses row IDs to check what data is new since the last migration. Therefore, if the source database is purged after a migration (for example, using MssDataPurge.exe), ensure that the /pre parameter is used with a value earlier than the latest set of instances in the source database. To be safe, leave at least 24 hours worth of the latest data in the database after a purge. Mismatching of row identifiers can also occur if data is re-imported into the source database after a purge and a data migration is executed before and after the re-import.

To prepare for migration

  1. Back up all data.

  2. Create the BIT data warehouse partitions and schema in the target database if they are not present.

    For more information, see Create the Data Warehouse.

See Also

Other Resources

Management of Tuning Data
Speech Application Data Analysis
Build a Data Warehouse