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Use a Factory Object to Obtain an Interface Pointer

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Factory objects are defined by the API. For example, in Unified Communications Client API, a platform object serves as the factory object to create endpoints; that is, to obtain IUccEndpoint interface pointers. In the following code example, a URI manager (IUccUriManager) serves as the factory object to obtain the IUccUri interface pointers.

CComPtr<IUccUriManager> pIUccUriManager;
CComPtr<IUccUri> spUccUri;
CComBSTR bstrUri = L””;

hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(UccUriManager),
                      (LPVOID *)&pIUccUriManager);
if (FAILED(hr) || hr == S_FALSE)
// Failed to co-create UccUriManager class and to obtain
// an IUccUriManager interface pointer.
Return S_FALSE;
// Use pIUccUriManager as a factory object 
// to obtain an IUccUri interface pointer.
hr =  pIUccUriManager->ParseUri(bstrUri, &spUccUri);
if ((FAILED(hr)) || (hr == S_FALSE))
    // Failed to obtain the IUccUri interface pointer.
    return S_FALSE;

CComPtr<IUccEndpoint> pIUccEndpoint;

// Use pIUccPlatform as a factoryCreate to obtain an
// IUccEndpoint interface pointer.
hr = pIUccPlatform->CreateEndpoint(pIUccUri, NULL, NULL, &pIUccEndpoint );
if ((FAILED(hr)) || (hr == S_FALSE))
    return S_FALSE;

See Also


Obtaining Unified Communications Client API Interface Pointers
Obtain an Interface Pointer Through a Co-creatable Co-class
Call QueryInterface on an Existing Interface Pointer