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Conference Creation Objects

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Unified Communications Client API includes configuration options for creating a conference. With these options you can create a conference as simple as a three person IM conversation or as complete as an audio/video meeting that includes application-level collaboration and recorded media presentation. Meeting access can be configured to require pass codes or user authentication. You can restrict meeting attendance to a predefined list of users. The configuration options that enable this functionality fall into the following categories:

  • Participant admission type
  • Conference communication media
  • Conference subject, expiration type, and time
  • Customizable notification data sent to all participants when joining a conference
  • Participant invitation lists

More refined conference session configuration involving URI values for individual media types, video sources, video switching mode, meeting recording, and meeting locked status is done at the individual conference session level. For more information, see Schedule a Conference.

A conference session is an association of three or more users participating in a form of communication or application collaboration. The communication forms include IM, telephony, audio only, and audio/video. These communication forms are supported by multipoint control units (MCU) installed on an organization's network topology. Normally, a set of MCUs resides on an Office Communications Server computer. There are additional MCUs dedicated to providing application and data sharing. An active conference running on a conference Focus and MCU can reside on a different host but are logically connected.

Conference Creation Management

The IUccConferenceManagerSession object provides all the functionality necessary to manage conference creation. With this object you can create, modify, or delete a conference. In addition, you can get the available MCUs configured on a server and a list of all active conferences you have started. This list is useful when you want to reconfigure an active conference.

The IUccConferenceManager interface on the endpoint is the object you use to create a IUccConferenceManagerSession object. To get the interface pointer to IUccConferenceManager, you must instantiate an IUccEndpoint object by calling the CreateEndpoint method on the platform factory object.

The following diagram illustrates the object model for the IUccConferenceManager interface.


In This Section

Conference Manager Creation

Conference Manager Session Object

Programming Patterns with Conference Scheduling Objects

See Also


Object Model of Unified Communications Client API