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signInData Element

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

Contains the logged-on users telephone contact information in an encoded format. This information comes from the Active Directory listing for the logged-on user.



Element Information

Parent Element




Provides a server with required configuration information after the caller is authenticated using a logon request.


The Communicator Web Access server does not store user telephone contact information and does not directly access an Active Directory server for the signInData. The signInData is returned to the client application as part of the user logon authentication process. The client application must parse the XML packet to cache the signInData. This must in turn be passed to the Communicator Web Access server in the initiateSession request, which must follow the logon request.

The telephone number contact information contained in the signInData element overwrites existing contactCard telephone contact information when passed to the Communicator Web Access server in the logon request. contactCard information is displayed on the logged-on users contact card when other users have subscribed to his presence.


The synchronous response to a logon request has returned this requestSucceeded element. If the Unified Communications client application parses the XML packet to retrieve the signInData, it can send the data to the Communicator Web Access server.

   <requestSucceeded eid="0">
      <signInData>PHNpZ25JbkRhdGE+DQogIDx3b3JrUGhvbmU+ZmVuZ2ppdGVsZXBob25lTnVtYmVyPC93b3JrUGhvbmU+DQogIDxob21lUGhvbmU+ZmVuZ2ppaG9tZXBob25lPC9ob21lUGhvbmU+DQogIDxtb2JpbGVQaG9uZT5mZW5namltb2JpbGU8L21vYmlsZVBob25lPg0KICA8b3RoZXJQaG9uZT48L290aGVyUGhvbmU+DQogIDxvZmZpY2U+ZmVuZ2ppT2ZmaWNlPC9vZmZpY2U+DQogIDxjb21wYW55PmZlbmdqaWNvbXBhbnk8L2NvbXBhbnk+DQogIDx0aXRsZT5mZW5naml0aXRsZTwvdGl0bGU+DQo8L3NpZ25JbkRhdGE+DQo= </signInData>

See Also


logon Element

initiateSession Element