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updateContact Element

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Updates the setting of a contact.


<updateContact rid="string value"></updateContact>



Data Type




Request Id. This is a string value assigned by the Unified Communications client. This is a required attribute.

Element Information

Parent Element




Contains one or more methods that a Unified Communications AJAX API Client sends to a Communicator Web Access server.

Child Elements






A person in a contact list. The attribute values indicate subscription and tag status. In addition, the groups that the contact has been assigned to are listed.


This request allows the Unified Communications AJAX API Client application to update a user in their contact list. The Communicator Web Access server responds synchronously on the command channel and asynchronously on the data channel. The asynchronous event response holds an updated list of the logged-on users contacts. The attributes of the contact that are included in this request are updated with the specified values. For the attributes that are not included in this request, the Communicator Web Access Server updates the attributes with their default values. The Communicator Web Access Server places default values in attributes not specified in the update request. If adding the contact to an additional contact group, the complete list of all groups you want them to be a member of must be provided.


If the groups attribute of the contact element is included in this request, the attribute must not be empty. An empty attribute effectively removes the contact from all contact groups including the default "All Contacts" group. If the user interacts with their contact list using the Office Communicator UI, this updated contact does not appear in the contact list and cannot be restored to the list.


This request updates the contact name, subscription status, tag, and group membership. If the contact was a member of the group with Id = 2 before this request, the contact is added to the membership of group 3.

<updateContact rid="100">
   <contact uri="" name="alice" subscribed="true"
   tag="false" groups="2 3" />

See Also


addContact Element

deleteContact Element