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displayName Element

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Specifies the display name of the user who is located by the search request. When a child of VoIPReceived, contains the display name of a VoIP caller.


<displayName>string value</displayName> 

Element Information

Parent Element




Searches for users.


displayName is one of several fields that can be used to specify a user to search for. Two or more such search fields used in conjunction with the function Element element condition a search on multiple search criteria. For more information, see Contacts and Contact Groups.

This element can also be used to contain the display name of a user initiating a VoIP call invitation.


Example 1

The user is searching for all users whose displayName is 'jessa'. When only one search criteria is used, the function element is not necessary.


Example 2

A user has received a VoIP call invitation. Naoki Sato is the inviting user and her name is contained in the displayName element.

<cwaEvents eid="101">
   <conference confId="1">
          <displayName>Naoki Sato</DisplayName>
          <from>"naoki" &lt;;…</from>

See Also


search Element

firstName Element

lastName Element

emailAlias Element

function Element

searchResult Element