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Using Unified Communications AJAX API

This content is no longer actively maintained. It is provided as is, for anyone who may still be using these technologies, with no warranties or claims of accuracy with regard to the most recent product version or service release.

In general, programming with Unified Communications AJAX API works as follows:

  • A Unified Communications AJAX API client signs in to a Communicator Web Access Server using either form-based authentication or integrated Windows authentication. The client must cache the authentication ticket returned from the server as part of the HTTPS response headers. The server requires that the client submits this ticket in every subsequent request to ensure the authenticity of the user throughout a session. When authenticated, the client must then issue an initiateSession Request before making any other requests.

  • The client posts methods to the server synchronously through the command channel. The posted method requests could do one or more of the following:

    • Manage contacts or groups.

    • Set or query self-presence.

    • Configure access control.

    • Find users and retrieve their presence.

    • Start an IM session, send, and receive text messages, or close the IM session.

  • The client gets events from the server asynchronously from a data channel. An event could carry out one of the following:

    • Return the result of an executed method.

    • Respond to a change in the server load and return a new query time-out value.

    • Update the presence information of a contact in the users contact list.

    • Sign a contact in or out and return the affected contact information.

    • Request a user to join an IM conversation, accept the IM invitation, or the IM participants send messages to each other.

  • The client logs off the server, and the user session is closed.

In This Section



Setting Up Sign-in and Command Channels

Illustrates the general work flow that a client can follow to post a Unified Communications service request.

Setting Up Data Channels

Illustrates the general work flow that a client can follow to set up Communicator Web Access Server events from a server.

Signing In to Unified Communications

Describes the signing-in process, when the command channel is properly implemented.

Initiating a Session

Describes initiating a session, after the user has signed in.

Terminating a Session

Describes terminating a session by sending the terminateSession request.

Signing Out from Unified Communications

Alerts you that explicit signing out is no longer supported. This means a client application should exit whenever a terminateSession method is requested or the authentication ticket should explicitly be set to null.

Receiving Events from Communicator Web Access Server

Describes the requirements that when you sign in to a Communicator Web Access Server, change the presence state, search for another user, query the presence of a user or start an IM session, corresponding events are generated on the server and wait for interested clients to poll.

Publishing and Subscribing to Presence

Describes what is involved in publishing and subscribing to presence.

Querying the Presence of a User

Describes the request of querying the presence of a user by sending a queryPresence request to a connected server over the command channel.

Contacts and Contact Groups

Describes the creating and updating of contacts and contact groups.

Conferencing Requests

Describes participating in or starting an IM style conversation after a user session is established and initialized.

See Also


About Unified Communications AJAX SDK

Unified Communications AJAX API Reference