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Work with Enhanced Presence Using Unified Communications AJAX Service API

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The AJAX Service API supports publication and subscription of enhanced presence.

To publish the presence information, an AJAX API client sends, through the command channel, a request containing relevant presence category instances. A request in AJAX API is embodied in a <cwaRequests> element and contains one or more <cwaCateogry> elements to hold specified presence data. The following example shows a request to publish a presence note.

<cwaRequests sid="123" xmlns = "">
  <publishSelfPresence rid="2">
   <cwaCategory name="note" instanceMask="0" expires="-1">
      <note xmlns="">
         <body type="personal">This is a personal note</body>

In the example above, the <publishSelfPresence> element describes the command of the request. This and the other two elements, <cwaRequest> and <cwaCateogry>, are defined by the AJAX API. The <note> element, however, is defined by the Enhanced Presence Schemas described in this document.

To subscribe to the presence information of a specified user, an AJAX API client registers for event notifications to receive and handle the userPresence events from the event channel. The userPresence event is described by an <userPresence> element, which is enveloped within a <cwaEvents> element. The event element contains a user element (<user>) and one or more <cwaCategory> elements. Each <cwaCategory> element in turn contains one or more enhanced presence elements describing the user's presence information, including the user state (<state>), note (<note>), contact information (<contactCard>), and others. Here, the <cwaEvents>, <userPresence>, and <user> elements are all defined by the AJAX Service API. As with the case of the presence publication discussed above, the child elements of a <cwaCategory> element are of the Enhanced Presence Schemas elements. The following event example returns the presence state, note, and a contact card of a user (

   <userPresence eid="10">
      <user uri="" sourceNetwork="sameEnterprise">
         <cwaCategory name="state" instance="0">
            <state xmlns=".../sip/state" 
               <activity token="Offline" />

         <cwaCategory name="note" instance="0">
            <note xmlns=".../sip/note">
               <body type="personal" />

         <cwaCategory name="contactCard" instance="0">
            <contactCard xmlns=".../sip/contactcard">
                     <displayName>Jay A.</displayName>


To receive the self presence information, an AJAX API client needs to handle the <selfPresence> events. The programming pattern is similar to handling the <userPresence> events.

Unified Communications AJAX Service API also supports publishing and receiving custom presence information. For more information, see the Unified Communications AJAX 2007 SDK documentation.