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Deleting an ACE From an ACL

Deleting an ACE From an ACL

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The following example deletes an access control entry (ACE) from an access control list (ACL).

Visual Basic

' Function DeleteAce
' Purpose: Delete an Access Control Entry (ACE) from an Access Control List (ACL).
' Input:       dacl            Access Control List (Object)
'              TrusteeName     Name of the Trustee you want to delete
' Output:  None
' Note:  In order for this example to function correctly, it may be necessary to include
' references to the following libraries: Active DS Type Library, Microsoft CDO for
' Exchange Management Library, Microsoft Cluster Service Automation Classes,
' Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000 Library.
Function DeleteAce(ByRef objDacl, _
                   ByRef szTrusteeName)

    Dim objOACE

    On Error Resume Next

    ' Create a temp ACE Object.
    Set objOACE = CreateObject("AccessControlEntry")

        ' Recurse through the ACL.

        For Each objOACE In objDacl

            ' Find the Trustee you are looking to delete.
            If (Trim(LCase(objOACE.Trustee)) = Trim(LCase(szTrusteeName))) Then

                ' Delete the ACE from the ACL
                objDacl.RemoveAce (objOACE)
            End If

    ' Clean up.
    Set objOACE = Nothing
End Function

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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