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AddEmptySecurityEntity Method

AddEmptySecurityEntity Method

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Adds a new entity object with empty masks to a discretionary access control list (DACL) object's entity collection.

Applies To

DACL Object


[JScript] objResult  objDACL.AddEmptySecurityEntity(strSIDTypestrSIDstrNT4NamestrDisplayName, [bInherited]);


  • strSIDType
    A string value of one of the security identifier types as listed in the following table.
    Security Identifier Type (SID)
  • strSID
    A string value of the name of the security identifier (SID), such as "S-1-1-0".
  • strNT4Name
    A string value of the domain and user name of a security principal.
  • strDisplayName
    A string value of the display name for the specified trustee such as an "Administrator." This display name is derived from the Windows 2000 Active Directory object for this trustee.
  • bInherited
    Optional. A Boolean value to specify that the entity is inherited.

Return Value

An object that returns error codes and descriptions.


This method creates a new entity with masks set to 0 and removes any duplicates.

You can use an empty string, "", for the strSIDType parameter. However, a specified SID type results in improved performance in other DACL-related function calls.


var objResult = objDacl.AddEmptySecurityEntity("user", "S-1-1-10-...", "MyDomain\User1", "Jane Clayton");

if( 1 == objResult.number) {

// 0 means user was added, no errors // 1 means no error, but the user was not added –- might be a duplicate }

See Also

AddEntity Method

AddSimpleSecurityEntity Method

AddSecurityEntity Method

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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